Sunday, February 14, 2010

how 2 get a cp bf/gf

hi many of u have seen penguins loving each other and u wanna know how they get the love.
so here are my ways to get them and they work i have had 7 or more bf on cp.

Way #1
1) sit down and pretend you r sad

2) when someone asks w
ut is wrong say that no one likes you

3) they will most likely say "I like u".

4) add them as a friend

5) go 2 your iggy and well get the party started

Way #2
1) go strait up to him/her and say hello

2) add him as a friend and repeat steps 4-5 in w
ay #1

Way #3
1) say tornado across cp so go the b
oiler room

2) go there and fi
nd a good girl/boy and say your scared

3) repeat steps 4-5 in way #1 and #2

here r sum pics

sit in the middle of the pathway cheat.
ok so all that u do is walk2 a path and then when u r almost there click on your mail and that is it

Saturday, February 13, 2010

game cheats

ok so if you want game cheats you came to the rite place. I have tons of cheats for coins and other such stuff so here you go.

connect 4- if you fill up the whole board each player gets 5 coins.

bean counters- if you unload all of the trucks you get sixty extra coins

fishing- at the end mullet will show up and he does not eat worms he eats fish so keep a fish on your hook to catch mullet and a 100 coin bonus. also members can buy a fishing poll and catch the gray fish wich gives you twice the coins

astro barrier- on this game you can skip levels at the beginning if you press 1 you go to level 10 if you press 2 you go to level 20 and if you press 3 you go to level 30.

cart surfing-if you do the same trick twice you get half the points if you want 100 points you press the down arrow at the same time as the space bar and you will get 100 points.if you want to do a grind press down and the right arrow.

hydro hopper-for members if you but a board you will get extra points

Jet-pack adventure- of you go the whole game without getting one coin at the end you will get 1000 coins

pizzatron 3000- each pizza you make correctly you get coins if you make all of the pizzas correctly you get a coin bonus

puffle round up-Before you try to get the Puffles into the pen, gather them in a group.Different puffles move at different speeds. Here are the fastest puffles:
  • Purple
  • Black
  • Green
  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Blue
  • White
well that is it for now i will try to get more